Happy Halloween 2016
/Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. I don't know if it's because it sparks the official shift into fall/ winter for me, or because it becomes somewhat appropriate to eat massive amounts of candy for a few days out of the year, but I love it.
My sister Gina has been the host of the annual Halloween party we've attended for the past 4 years. This year I was really excited because she asked me to bring an appetizer for the party. I didn't want to get too complicated with it, but definitely wanted to bring a bit of Halloween spirit to the dish. I found this adorable idea for "Mummy" Pigs-in-a-Blanket and had to make them.
The only ingredients you need are hot dogs and a can of crescent roll dough. You wrap the dough around the hotdogs and add either candied eyes, which I couldn't find in the store, or use black food coloring to create eyes!
You can even wrap a slice of cheese in them if you wanted to add a little something. Serve with mustard or ketchup for dipping. Super easy to make and perfect for any Halloween gathering.
Although J and I don't make too much of an effort for getting dressed up on Halloween, we still try to participate as best we can. I came across these antlers at Walmart a couple of days before the party for just $4 and decided right then and there our costume was going to be a pun. Can you guess what we are?
A lot of people thought "John Deere", which is technically accurate. However, I am a female deer, which is a "doe", so we we were really aiming for "John Doe"! *Pats self on pack*. Hey, it made sense and both of our costumes were literally a total of $4. The only thing I had to buy were the antlers. That's costume-ing on a budget, my friends.
Of course, we had to take our obligatory group "selfie" to commemorate "Boozefest 2016".
We had a blast drinking, eating, and playing games with friends. Let's just say the games got more entertaining as the night and the drinks went on.
As we all know, Halloween fell on a Monday this year, which means that we spent the actual holiday watching the movie Misery starring Kathy Bates and waiting for trick-or-treaters to ring the doorbell. We decided to participate in passing out candy this year since it was our first in the neighborhood and thought it'd be fun. #adulting
We had about 6 groups of little ones come by all dressed in adorable get-ups. Some of them yelled "trick or treat", while others just stared blankly at us, then our bowl of candy, then back at us, almost as if they were trying to say "you know what to do lady. Put the candy in the bag and shut the door slowly."
Hope you had a great Halloween! Is it time for turkey and stuffing yet?