My Week in a Nutshell 7/3- 7/10
/Since our wedding, J's and my weekends/ weeks have been beyond busy. I can count on one hand the number of times we've had a "free week". I can't complain, though, since I love having things to do. It does get tiring at times, however.
Here's a quick recap of our last week!
Of course, July 4th was on Monday, so we spent the long weekend at my parents' lake house eating, drinking, tanning, and boating... all that fun water stuff!
Throwin' Some patriotic shade
J and J getting their tubing on.
My older sister and brother-in-law also announced to the world that they are expecting their second child. Look how sweet and excited my nephew looks to share the news! So presh.
J and I are excited to add a new niece/ nephew to our "collection", as I like to call it.
Check out that smile!
When we got back home on Monday evening I started to feel some scratchiness in my throat. By Tuesday I was down with a summer cold complete with runny nose, sinus pressure, and sore throat. I don't think I moved from my couch for 2 days. Thankfully, I started to feel much better by Friday when J's brother and girlfriend came to visit.
They joined us in SA for Friday night. Then, we headed up to the lake house again for some more fun in the sun.
A road trip wouldn't be complete without diet coke and coffee!
M and W cooked us a yummy dinner on saturday night. pesto chicken with pasta. I'm asking for the recipe, don't worry. :P
Have you ever met a couple where you think to yourself, "they are so cute together... it makes me sick," but in a good way? That's them. They are just adorable together! Ugh.
We had a blast and are sad to see this short work week/ fun weekends go, but have another huge month of weekends coming up. I'm feeling this "Week Recap" post becoming a constant blog fixture... What do you think?
How did you spend last week?